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Published: 06:40 BST, | Updated: 12:57 BST, Įmbattled Republican Rep. Cawthorn is now facing a contentious GOP primary as he runs for re-election.He is also being investigated for ethics violations after another video showed one of his staff members grabbing his crotch.Photos released last month also showed him in lingerie, for what he says was a game on a cruise ship.It is just the latest scandal the North Carolina Congressman has been embroiled in after he claimed that senior officials invited him to an orgy.

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Madison Cawthorn naked and thrusting his pelvis at another man's head 'Blackmail won't win': Madison Cawthorn defends himself after 'sex tape' is leaked showing him naked and thrusting his groin at a person's head as he claims he was simply 'being crass with a friend, trying to be funny'

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